Wednesday, 26 November 2014



Our preliminary exercise involved filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. In terms of planning we came up with an idea of an interrogation. In order to start recording we had to plan the following:
- story board
- script
- camera shots
The following helped us as a group to help us create a trailer as it organised us, and we knew what to do as soon as we received the camera. The story board allowed us to plot the story in our head, and we were able to visualise it. The script helped in terms of knowing what to say and when to say it, we had to change our lines continuously as we had to make sure it was similar to our theme. The camera shots was mainly useful as we know exactly what camera angle to use for the different scenes by using the story board. If I was to do this again, I would make sure as a group we have more time to prepare to plan, and to work on the camera work. The strengths of this trailer was that the use of close ups was used effectively and shot precisely. the close ups in the film stood out the most, as it focused on one object, and was shot with stability and accurately. The weaknesses of this trailer was that apart from the close up shots, the other camera angles were not shot to its full standards, as it wasn't shot with a steady hand which made the film lose the tension and made it lose its focus. Another weakness was some of the shots were not focused well, which went wrong by not setting the camera to the right focus before shooting, and made the film again very messy and confusing. Overall the main weakness was the camera work for the longshots, and tracking shots. 

There were a few weaknesses like not having a lot of time to do the video and getting used to the camera. This is because when we using a camera for the first time in a while we didn’t really know how to use it properly and it made the video a bit difficult and at times blurry or shaky. We didn’t have enough time to do the video. We were all on  time to do the video but it was hard to get everyone together and keep it all on the ball. If we had a bit more time, I think our skills would have been shown more. We also wanted to keep the story of the clip a secret so it would build suspense. This was the first initial idea but we then decided to cut down the story so, it still kept the story a secret but we kind of just shortened it.
There were a few strengths of our video. For example, we kind of knew how to use the camera. If we never knew how to use or be around a camera we would be stuck. The people in the group I was in all had an idea on how to use a camera etc. We had a strong script. We had an idea of what we wanted to say, how to act, what the whole video idea would be. This was a good thing as we were all on the same page.  Another strength was that we all helped each other as much as we could so we worked as a team. Our whole production i think was filmed well. We got a few good shots. Like over-the shoulder, extreme-close-up of a shoe, the panning was quite steady. I think that the speech in the clip was good as the people in my group spoke clearly and the facial expressions were how they were meant to be. All the shots we used were there to create suspense and emotion.

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