Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Audience Focus Group

One girl's story.

Full narrative -
A young girl has just got married to her newly wedded husband. a few weeks later the girl found out that she was pregnant but didn't want to keep it so she got an abortion without telling her husband. A year has gone by and she eventually gets round to telling her husband and he gets angry that she had got rid of their baby without informing him about it so they both start arguing and he leaves to take a break.. The girls mother has bipolar and it is a genetic illness so the girl has got it too. the girl looks out the window and sees a little baby imagining it was the baby that could of been hers but no one is really there. Where ever she goes everyone just stares at her then she goes home and starts drinking and smashing things up and in herself she sees some change but makes herself believe that she is normal.  the girl then starts taking these pills.. the girl then starts getting ready goes partying.. she then disappears. suddenly when she returns she has transformed into a complete different person (her appearance) she is walking in the middle of the roads where everyone is just staring at her, at this point of the scene we start to see a change, her mother then comes and helps her by bringing her home and cleans her up, we can see that the mum has noticed what was wrong with her daughter so then she started giving her the same medication for the bipolar to get better, but the girl wouldn't take the tablets and secretly hide them away somewhere, eventually the pill was full and towards the end she was getting worse and worse. the mother had no choice but to call the doctors to get the girl sectioned for mental health issues and get her taken to the hospital for professional help, as they came to the house the girl tries to run away and falls on the road, by then the doctors have caught her. Suddenly she sees her husband on the road and screams and cries out his name for help but he just stands there frozen on the spot as they drive her away. 

After hearing the opinions of our focus group, our idea has been adapted to make our production look more realistic. We decided that we wouldn't be able to do as much in 2 minutes for the beginning of our show, so we decided to a shorter storyline to build suspense. This will be that, we are going to build up suspense between the boy and girl, where the girl will be very frigid to text the boy, as she doesn't have the courage to tell him that she's pregnant, because she knows he will do something crazy. The storyline will build up from there where the boy will get paranoid as she's not replying to her texts, and it will end there.

''How will you show the beginning of the episode?
''Will it include any other main characters?''
''Have you sorted out your settings?''
''Have you decided on how the acting is going to be shot''
''How will you make it look effective''

broadcast - on channel 4 (E4) 8:00pm. this would be because it is not suitable for little children (young audience) so they should be put to bed early and shown as a reality TV show so this would be a good time for adults and teenagers from 15+ to watch after coming from school/collage or work.

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